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Beware Of The Fake Netflix App!


Oct 13th 2011 at 09:30am by Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Flipboard.

Over the past 20 years or so technology has become very advanced and highly intelligent. The only real problem with this is, so have the criminals. Yesterday Computer and mobile security firm Symantec reported on their website of a fake Netflix app on the Android market. They are calling this release Android. Fakenflic. This latest case is a Trojan stealer that targets account information.


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According to Symantec, Netflix released an app earlier this year that was not compatible with all Android devices. Soon thereafter because of the user experience and popularity, several similar apps began to appear to help those who wanted to stream video on Android devices that weren’t yet supported by Netflix.


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The company has recently released a newer updated version of it’s app that supports more devices. Although since the gap in the availability of this app, combined with the popularity of users wanting to get it for their Android device, made for the perfect cover up for the Android.Fakenflic exploit.


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Once the malicious app is installed, the user enters their Netflix account information, it’s then captured and sent to server. Next they are presented with a screen indicating hardware incompatibility and a recommendation to install another version of the app. Below is a screenshot of the real and fake Netflix app. If you look real closely, you can see how easily some users may have been fooled. The only thing that you can be certain of is to ensure that you download the app that was developed by Netflix itself.


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