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GiveMeApps Reviews

Android Users Wait For 4.3 Fixes


Aug 12th 2013 at 11:47am by GiveMeApps

Users of Netflix on the 4.3 incarnation of Android OS can all get together and sing Kumbayah. According to Netflix, users who were experiencing issues with streaming movies on Android 4.3 can breathe a sigh of relief. Updates were released to alleviate the issue.

Other 4.3 issues linger, namely battery life, auto rotation and a sluggish user interface on some devices. Users of the Opera Web Browser now have an update which improved memory leak issues, cookie clearing problems, and a bug which made the app uninstall itself from devices!

[Source | Web Pro News]

Nexus 7 users for example, complain of quick battery drainage, even in Airplane mode.