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Banned: NTSB Seeks to Ban Cell Use While Driving


Dec 16th 2011 at 10:35am by Joseph Sugabo

Joseph Sugabo

Joseph Sugabo is a freelance writer and tech enthusiast

U.S. drivers may not be able to use their mobile devices while driving if the National Transit Safety Board has their way. The proposed recommendation would take most current state laws about cell use one step further and completely ban the use of a mobile phone even with a headset or speaker. This is due to the NTSB wanting to protect drivers from distractions. “Too many people are texting, talking and driving at the same time,” NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said at a hearing in Washington today. “It’s time to put a stop to distraction. No call, no text, no update is worth a human life” (Jeff Plungis and Angela Greiling Keane, Bloomberg).


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The NTSB recommendation comes after a long investigation into the “August 2010 crash in Gray Summit, Missouri, in which a 19-year-old GMC Sierra pickup driver sent or received 11 text messages in a 13-minute stretch before plowing into the back of a tractor-trailer. Two school buses collided with the stopped trucks. The pickup driver and one bus passenger perished in the crash. The truck driver and 37 other people were injured. Last year, 3,092 deaths, or 9.4 percent of road fatalities, were related to driver distraction, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Dec. 8” (Jeff Plungis and Angela Greiling Keane, Bloomberg). Car services such as OnStar from GM and Sync from Ford could even eventually fall under the ban.


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As stated before, the NTSB has no power to implement the laws themselves. “The NTSB’s recommendation would have to be adopted separately by each U.S. state, since states have authority to regulate driver behavior. States should adopt electronic-device bans, then back up the laws with aggressive enforcement as they have with drunk driving and seat-belt use. Today’s action is a “watershed recommendation,” Hersman said” (Jeff Plungis and Angela Greiling Keane, Bloomberg). The NTSB also asked mobile-phone manufacturers to work on implementing technology which would block calls and messages while a car is moving. 


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