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Emojicate iPhone/iPad App Review


Aug 16th 2014 at 12:18pm by GiveMeApps

Emojis can be traced all the way back to the AOL glory days of the 1990s. Originally coined “Emoticons”, they were created by using crude characters on the computer keyboard. Emojis are the evolution of emoticons and have progressed to more lifelike graphic depictions of all kinds of human emotions, signs, symbols and even foods. Emojicate for iOS takes the concepts a few steps further by having a social media network dedicated to communicating only using emojis!

Starting Up

Emojicate requires Facebook to sign up and log in. Once your account is created, like other social media networks, you can edit your profile and upload a picture. The startup screen contains several navigation icons at the bottom of the display. “Timeline” gets you to view updates from your friends similar to the way Facebook does with its timeline. “Mentions” contains shout outs to you from other users. “Search” lets you locate users. “Chat” contains any recent chats you participated in. Profile as mentioned before allows you to edit and update your profile.

In Practice

Starting a chat is as simple as tapping on the Chat icon and then tapping “New”. After this, you will be prompted to search for a user to chat with. Once you locate a user you are placed in “Compose” mode, which is where the fun begins. Emojicate does not allow text for communication. You are relegated to using up to 8 emojis for communication. The message field is separated into eight boxes. You tap on any of boxes to select the Emoji of your choice. There are literally hundreds of emojis to choose from! We counted twelve categories with close to fifty emojis in each! Some of the emojis are ones you would expect see (i.e. smiley faces), however there were many surprises. Everything from Soccer Balls and Golf Clubs (sports) to Sports Coats and Cowboy Boots (clothes) and even Panda Bears and Zebras (Animals) are present. There are too many emojis to list!


Emojicate has a lot of potential. It is unique in the Social Media landscape. Because Facebook is required to sign up, you already have access to many friends to chat with. We would really like to see the app expand and allow for the insertion of its rich set of emojis into other messaging apps, like Facebook or even SMS. Emojis are all the rage these days and people are using them everywhere. As the app is a free install, you have nothing to lose. If you are looking for a large set of emojis and want a new unique way to chat, then look no further than Emojicate.