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Note Everything Android App Review


Oct 12th 2011 at 08:05am by Alton Brown

Alton Brown

Alton Brown is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles to both the Music and Mobile Tech communities the web. You can follow him on Twitter.

Though Android is a highly capable OS, it sometimes lacks the simple things one might need while on the go. There came a time when I needed to jot down some quick thoughts while in a New York City subway station. I quickly whipped out my phone and launched my Google Docs app, but to no avail! There is no cell phone service in the subway! Google Docs made futile efforts to pull my documents off the server while I made plans to search for another app when I reached the surface.


See Also: Note Anytime (iOS)


In my search I found Note Everything Pro, a note app that surprisingly gave me a bang for my buck! Note Everything Pro gives the user EVERY noting tool they could ever need! 


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Notes can be pinned to the task bar and are backed up to your SD card so you’ll always have your notes if you break, or switch phones.


Android App Review: Note Everything | GiveMeApps

Note Everything Does Everything From Doodling To Audio!


Some great features of Note Everything Pro are:


  • Photo Notes
  • Checklists
  • Voice notes
  • Paint Notes (My Favorite)


This is an app that any Android user can’t go without! Whether it’s make todays to do list or to record your significant other snoring (they’ll never admit they do), Note Everything Pro’s easy, finger friendly interface will make it quick and painless!


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