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Run And Jump Boy Android App Review


Jun 29th 2018 at 03:33pm by Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas is a freelance tech writer and enthusiast

GiveMeApps Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Easy gameplay
  • Though an endless runner, gets more challenging as you advance
  • Awesome background music
  • Would be great if they had a timed mode
  • Game control placement overlays other button functions when not in gameplay mode

There is no shortage of endless runners and jumpers, however if done right, the game can still be a hit. Run and Jump Boy can boast about doing this successfully. This endless runner combines the Super Mario brick-busting nostalgia with every endless runner game ever made.


See Also: Subway Surf (Android)


The premise of Run and Jump Boy is very simple. Your job is to jump from brick platform to brick platform without falling from the sky. The further you go, the more points you collect. Brick platforms fall apart when you step on them, so you have little time to think strategically. Game controls are very responsive, so though you have little time, it is in your best interest to know when to jump. As with typical endless runner style, the screen moves along with you. If falling off doesn't claim your life, then the moving screen will for sure.


Run And Jump Boy | Android App Review | GiveMeApps Run And Jump Boy | Android App Review | GiveMeApps 

Jump on those platforms and use those controls otherwise you will fall off!


As you advance, the game gets tougher and tougher. Not only goes the game speed up, but it appeared that the responsiveness gets more sensitive as well. Thing before you tap or swipe. Jump at the wrong time and it's game over. Occasionally, platforms appear as flat surfaces, steps or fortress like walls. This means that from time to time, you'll have to jump on the same platform twice due to its topography before you can jump to the next platform.


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This game is about as simple as it gets but racking up points is a challenge. The developers did a great job on choosing cool modern EDM styled background music. Overall the game can become addictive due to the unpredictability of the falling brick platforms. With its simplicity, cool music and challenging game play, we'd say its worth your time. 


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