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Sinbad The Voyager Android App Review


Mar 15th 2012 at 10:10pm by Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas is a freelance tech writer and enthusiast

Who is Sinbad the Voyager you may ask, well he is not the rust hair colored comedian. Once upon a time, in a far city of Baghdad, a poor camel Sinbad takes a break outside the gate of a rich camel's stall, shiny and encrusted with diamonds, complaining about the injustice of a world. The rich camel hears him, meets him and finds out they are both named Sinbad. The rich Sinbad explains to the poor Sinbad that he became wealthy, "by Fortune and Fate", in the course of seven amazing voyages.The gaming application is based on the story of Sinbad, a poor camel whose only dream is to be rich.


See Also:  Happy Hedgehog (iOS)


Each voyage has a time limit so make sure you complete it before time else it restarts from the beginning. As you progress in the game, you get an option of customizing Sinbad by buying various accessories and increase the power up skills. In each voyage as you progress you have to collect gems and diamonds along the way with the ultimate goal of finding the final item of the voyage in order to clear it. Be aware that gems and diamonds alone will not take you to the next voyage because if you don’t have enough gold coins to unlock the next voyage you are stuck.


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This app features amazing 3D graphics and 7 levels of play. Breeze through levels with 3 different power ups: SKATEBOARD - to speed up Sinbad, HOURGLASS - to add time to finish the voyage and KEY to help you unlock parts of the maze if you can't find way out. The game can randomly generated maps, so each game is never the same. There is also multiplayer game mode for iPhone and iPad that allows you to play against people all over the world. Universal game, works on iPhone, iPod and iPad. 


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