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Krrb Classifieds iPhone/iPad App Review


Jul 9th 2013 at 12:17pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Krrb, pronounced “Curb" is a new app from AREA 17. This classifieds app combines the best elements of what makes sites like eBay and Craigslist great, and puts it in a slick interface so easy to use, even you could do it! The relative ease of creating and searching through listings, locating and contacting sellers plus direct support will make this one of your top 3 apps for buying and selling.

Setting up is as easy as downloading the free app and creating an account with Krrb. Once you get the activation email, click the link and you are ready to go. There are 5 icons at the bottom of the screen which is the center of the app. Listings lets you browse through listings. A slider at the top of the screen lets you switch between local listings and global listings. Sweet! Just about every other site makes you set distance manually. 

You can keep up with Krrb by selecting the Blog icon. Sell as it implies lets you create a listing. Select a photo, fill in some simple information and you’re ready to sell. The inbox puts all of your messages related to your items for sale right at your finger tips (no more exiting and checking your email). Finally, the “Me" icon lets you update your information, upload a profile pic and more. 

We recommend taking a peak at the Krrb website ( before you get started. Their website is very well laid out, gives lots of tips and important information about thier policies. 

We loved this app. Nothing is more than two taps away at most, making this app easy to use as well as enjoyable. Krrb claims their app is most popular in New York City. That is where we reside and the number of listings here is astounding illustrating proof that Krrb has already jumped off the curb and is running strong.