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GiveMeApps Reviews

Little Adventure On The Prairie iPhone/iPad App Review


Jul 29th 2017 at 05:08pm by Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas

Brooklyn Midas is a freelance tech writer and enthusiast

GiveMeApps Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Easy gameplay
  • Ad-Free
  • Would be nice if more moves could be added
  • Limited number of levels at this time

So, you are old enough to remember Zelda and NES. You have an insatiable appetite for televisions shows like Games Of Thrones and anything medieval. You love the fun of killing monsters and living the life of a knight, but don’t want the complicated gameplay that seems to prevalent in today’s mobile world. Well, you may want to take a look at Little Adventure On The Prairie. 


See Also: Linkin Park Recharged (iPhone/iPad)


Getting started is as easy as pie. There are twelve levels laid out in three stages. What’s great is you can choose to start with the level of your choice. Of course, stage one contains levels one through four. Either way, you have to complete each of the levels before you can move onto the next stage. 


iPhone/iPad App Review: Linkin Park Recharged | GiveMeApps iPhone/iPad App Review: Linkin Park Recharged | GiveMeApps

Monster Killing Is The Game In Little Prairie Adventure


Gameplay is so straight forward, no tutorial is needed (though it would have been nice to have one considering the game is not free). You can move left and right using the arrow buttons on the bottom left of the screen. You can jump and attack using the labeled buttons on the right. For the most part, you’ll be moving to the right and attacking monsters. Monsters carry different weapons. For you, there is a sword, with weapon upgrades in subsequent levels. In levels with lots of platforms, you may occasionally have to move left if you fall off of one.


See Also: Ninflated (iPhone/iPad)


Zelda like nostalgia will set in when you come across potions to get your life meter further to full. There are red and blue potions. Blue potions have more potency. Of course, game’s over when your life meter empties, but as long as you are proactive with locating potions and fighting the monsters from a slight distance, you should last forever. Keep in mind, as expected, the more you advance, the more challenging fighting off monsters gets. 


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Little Adventure On The Prairie is entertaining. While it isn’t a blockbuster, the game is well designed and very easy to learn. Novice gamers will warm up to it quickly while seasoned controller nerds will get the hang of it without even thinking. The game isn’t free which may be a turn off to some but the upside is there are absolutely no ads. Overall, it’s worth playing. 


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