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GiveMeApps Reviews

Note Anytime iPhone/iPad App Review


Jul 9th 2013 at 11:10am by GiveMeApps

GiveMeApps Rating: 4.5 out of 5

There have been a slew of note taking apps which hit the market within the last two years or so, but none have been as feature packed and intuitive as Note Anytime. We recently did a video review of this app for Android and were overwhelmed with the number of features, export options, and its ability to allow for annotation and for its handwriting recognition.

Developer MetaMoji Corp have updated the app and released it for iOS, crashing it into the iOS world and expanding its user base. This version brings along with it some new expansion packs, namely one that allows for handwriting recognition in 13 languages! The handwriting recognition goes from standard print and to several types of cursive handwriting. It also adds one tap scrolling which allows users to get around their documents faster. Finally, the Auto Wrist Guard feature prevents the app from picking up accidental wrist bumps.

One thing that sets Note Anytime apart from its competitors is the number of relatively inexpensive, but useful expansion packs available for it. Furthermore, what a lot of apps offer as expansion packs comes standard with this app. You can choose from a wide number of paper types (i.e. graph, music manuscript, looseleaf). You can write in just about any color and use just about any weighted ink as you fancy. Erasing is also a cinch.

You will feel more comfortable using Note Anytime on an iPad simply because of the available screen real estate, but we felt equally capable using it on a Samsung Galaxy S3 when reviewing the Android version. Therefore, iPhone users will get a lot of mileage from this app too. In our opinion, it's worth every penny which says a lot because it's free :)