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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

13 years ago
InFrame Foto Android App Review
13 years ago
Sinbad The Voyager Android App Review
13 years ago
VIRUSfighter Android App Review
13 years ago
Passaggio Android App Review
13 years ago
ShreeNathji Android App Review

InFrame Foto Android App Review
Mar 18th 2012 at 12:57pm by Brooklyn Midas

Is that a phone or a camera? It’s so hard to tell the difference with the technology put into these smart phones. For the entire everyday professional to the everyday street snapper InFrame Foto will assist you in creating your own photo collages. Due to the application’s power and uniqu...

Sinbad The Voyager Android App Review
Mar 15th 2012 at 10:10pm by Brooklyn Midas

Who is Sinbad the Voyager you may ask, well he is not the rust hair colored comedian. Once upon a time, in a far city of Baghdad, a poor camel Sinbad takes a break outside the gate of a rich camel's stall, shiny and encrusted with diamonds, complaining about the injustice of a world. The rich camel ...

VIRUSfighter Android App Review
Mar 13th 2012 at 10:38pm by Brooklyn Midas

Internet surfing is a must with smart phones today. Whether you’re on the train, on the toilet or …. You are more than likely to whip out your smart phone to browse the web. Now that smart phones are basically computers, they also are vulnerable to be affected by a virus. Well spamfight...

Passaggio Android App Review
Mar 13th 2012 at 10:26pm by Brooklyn Midas

Who doesn’t share the dream of blowing up into entertainment stardom? Everyone wants their voice to be heard. Passaggio application is the perfect tool for lessons, auditions, recording, choir rehearsals or just general practicing. How does Paa turn your natural surroundings into your own stud...

ShreeNathji Android App Review
Feb 22nd 2012 at 07:04pm by Brooklyn Midas

In today’s age of computers and mobiles, at the most devotees could have wallpapers and images of Lord Shreenathji in one of his many forms. Now an amazing application for Windows, Mac and Android devices help you have a detailed “darshan” of Thakurji Shreenathji or Shreeji, an app...