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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

10 years ago
Livinity iPhone/iPad App Review
10 years ago
Dashbox iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Opportunety iPhone/iPad App Review

Livinity iPhone/iPad App Review
Oct 5th 2014 at 03:54pm by GiveMeApps

So it’s happened. You’re about to meet who appears to be the perfect person on a date which you set up online and are super excited. You know the person loves live music, but you have no idea where to take them because the date is tomorrow. You can scan the paper, check Craigslist and ta...

Dashbox iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 23rd 2014 at 10:02pm by GiveMeApps

The last thirty years have seen the integration of computer technology in cars go from simple components which replayed car part performance info, to full blow user touchscreen driven systems which give access to everything from navigation to entertainment under one roof. The latter has only recentl...

Opportunety iPhone/iPad App Review
Nov 28th 2013 at 04:07am by GiveMeApps

There are a ton of music sites and services online who promise the world to artists and publishers who join. Many of these places have become havens for commercial entities to push the material of their already established artists and aspiring artists and producers to promote their copycat material....