GiveMeApps Reviews Tech
Are You Ready For The Next Generation Of Smartphones And The LTE Network?
Dec 13th 2011 at 09:56am by Wayne Tempel
Do you remember your first phone? I remember mine. No color screen other than the ugly green in the background on top of the black. They had maybe a few menial games, and I don’t think SMS or text was available yet. We have certainly have come a long way. We have smartphones as they are called...
Ditch Your Wireless Provider’s SMS Plan With These Free Texting Apps!
Oct 16th 2011 at 08:50am by Wayne Tempel
It used to be that only teenagers texted, but now almost all of us do. It is a great and convenient way to communicate. All of the carriers have gotten wind of this and decided to raise the price per text. Thankfully, there are alternatives. Here are a few great free apps that you can use to ditch t...