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The Patent Wars Are Heating Up!


Oct 27th 2011 at 09:31am by Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Flipboard.

There will clearly be no true winners in all of the patent wars between Android partners, Apple and Microsoft. The latest in this war between the big three Google, Apple and Microsoft intensified today after Apple was rewarded the slide to unlock feature, which is available on numerous smartphones as well as tablets. This feature is available on all Android devices. 


See Also: Google Patents A New Way To Swipe (News)


Apple will surely bring more patent infringements lawsuits to Google partners. Apple is said to have applied for this patent a year before the release of the first iPhone. Yesterday they were finally awarded this patent. We can now expect to see this slide to unlock feature on less devices in the near future and beyond. However this patent is for the left to right slide to unlock. There is no indication if the slide top to  down or other finger swipe motions are affected by this patent.


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The manufacturers that has been most affected by this is Samsung & HTC, who have had some of their devices pulled from the shelves. It has been reported that Samsung’s newest flagship Galaxy Nexus was purposely built to avoid patent infringements. Patents however do benefit the company that wants recognition for their invention. Therefore does this hurt technology and the innovation thereof? 


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