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WayTaskers iPhone/iPad App Review


Mar 13th 2015 at 05:51pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Times are changing. No longer do people spend time looking through phone books to outsource a task. No longer do people even wish to do a Google Search which takes minutes. We live in a time where people want things right now and want things done yesterday. WayTaskers, an app for both iOS and Android takes notice to this and allows you to post tasks and have service providers from all over the world bid on those tasks with competitive offers. If you are a company and have limited staff, or just wish to take care of things out of the house, then you should take notice.

Get It Done

Signing up for Waytaksers is simple. You can either log in using your Facebook credentials or create an entirely new account all together. Like other service sites, WayTaskers lets you set up a profile which displays pertinent information about you. Unlike other service sites however, the app is dual purpose. All accounts are capable of providing and bidding. This means you can use this platform to reach out to those who have projects posted, or you can post your own projects as mentioned earlier and wait for a bidder.

Your profile lists which methods you can utilize to post or complete projects. These are represented by icons such as a globe for online, a car for getting around and a truck for delivery among other ones. There you can also list which types of services you provide if any. Some of these include Car Washing, House Work, Shopping, IT/Computer Help, Disposal, Delivery and Furniture Assembly among others. Profiles can also include references and of course as we have come to know on most social networks, users can also leave comments on your profile.

Working Day And Night

The fun begins when searching for or creating tasks. Doing this is a piece of cake. To create a task, tap on Post A Task on the Home Screen. Here, you enter in the task title and task description. You can even take a photo of the task to let users get a better idea of what it is you are looking for. This is most useful in the Buy And Sell area of the app. From there, you tap on the “Next” button and complete the four step process to get your task live. After you enter in the task description, you then set the fee (step 2), location (step 3) and deadline (step 4). From there your task goes live and is ready to be bid on. All current tasks can be found by tapping on “Browse Tasks” on the Home Page.


WayTaskers offers so much. So much that it would be impossible to cover it all in a review of this scope. In additional to all that was mentioned, you can leave messages for other users, receive alerts and you even receive five free credits for posting task. Each task post requires one credit. Credits can be purchased via PayPal.  WayTaskers is an ambitious and promising release which has the potential to be the go-to app to get any real-life task fulfilled. Also, those freelance warriors have yet another destination to find great work.