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Spark iPhone/iPad App Review


Apr 9th 2016 at 03:10pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

In this fast paced world where the average person is inundated with a smorgasbord of events, activities, tasks and responsibilities at any given time, it is pretty easy to become a bit forgetful. Sure we could jot everything down in an organizer, scheduler or hire a secretary, but why have all of that when all we need is a simple reminder to get things done. This is where Spark - Social Reminders for the iPhone and iPad come in.


See Also: DayGram (iOS)


Spark - Social Reminders allows you to send reminders to all your friends. What makes this unique however is that reminders can be timed. You can send reminders to yourself or any of your friends at this very moment, in 20 minutes, a half hour, a day or at any time you set with the custom time feature. 


See Also: How Did He Know? (iOS)


Using the app is simple. After you download it, you're prompted to sign in through Facebook or by setting up your own account using your email address. Once that's straightened out and you set up your profile, you're ready to send out Sparks. 


iPhone/iPad App Review: Sparks Social Reminders | GiveMeApps

Sparks Social Reminders Will Keep You In The Loop


Sparks consist of 106 characters, so you're not going to write any essays here. Once you finish creating one, you then send it out. You can send out Sparks to anyone on your friends list. If you have no or few friends, you can add some using the add-friend feature since Spark itself is a social network of sorts.


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Once your Spark is sent, you are promptly reminded of how long you set the reminder for delivery. Recipients will be receive their sparks and be able to reply. Sent sparks are saved in a list for future review. The best part is that Sparks are encrypted and untraceable according to the developer's listing.


See Also: Crypto-Chat (iOS)


If you're looking for an easy way to remind yourself to finish that paper, attend that meeting or go to your best friend's bar concert, or to remind others about important things, then Spark might be what you're looking for. 


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