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GiveMeApps Reviews

7 years ago
Roam Frii Android App Review
8 years ago
InnerGroup iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
FaceDial for FaceTime (Update) iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Spark iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
SecEMS Android App Review
8 years ago
Clickclap Android App Review
9 years ago
Blabel Windows Phone App Review
9 years ago
Anonygo Android App Review

Roam Frii Android App Review
Nov 25th 2016 at 11:23pm by Harold Everton

I remember purchasing my first mobile phone back in 2001 from VoiceStream (remember them?) with much excitement. Any elation I had wore off when I received my first bill. This was when competitive call plans started at 300 min/month, and unlimited data wasn't even a "thing" yet. Needless to say, bei...


InnerGroup iPhone/iPad App Review
Oct 12th 2016 at 01:35pm by Harold Everton

One nasty habit tech users need to break is quickly signing up to social media sites without reading their terms of use agreement. Seriously, with all of the scandals that have popped up over the last couple of weeks with the current election cycle, it goes to show that when you think no one is watc...


FaceDial for FaceTime (Update) iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 10th 2016 at 11:37pm by Harold Everton

If you are an Apple fanatic and FaceTme is your de facto method of commnunication whether it be on your Macbook, iPhone or iAnything, and you're looking for an even easier way to organize your contacts and use the application, then you may want to take a look at FaceDial.   See Also: Spa...


Spark iPhone/iPad App Review
Apr 9th 2016 at 03:10pm by GiveMeApps

In this fast paced world where the average person is inundated with a smorgasbord of events, activities, tasks and responsibilities at any given time, it is pretty easy to become a bit forgetful. Sure we could jot everything down in an organizer, scheduler or hire a secretary, but why have all of th...

SecEMS Android App Review
Dec 16th 2015 at 11:43pm by GiveMeApps

  The problem with social media and the online world today is that whenever you put information out, any kind of information, it's public. How you come to terms with that is your business, but it is the reality. People have lost their jobs because of the slip of the tongue, misspeaking or just...

Clickclap Android App Review
Nov 26th 2015 at 11:29am by GiveMeApps

We are always looking for new ways to communicate using our mobile devices and thus move from chat app to chat app in search of the holy grail. The problem is, they're all rehashes of the same concept. From the AIM the dinosaur up to Facebook Messenger, all let you text, share images and even video....

Blabel Windows Phone App Review
Sep 8th 2015 at 01:24am by GiveMeApps

Once upon a time, being able to chat on your computer was a huge deal. During the mid–1990s, having a beeper that could send and receive texts meant you were in your own class, but chatting on your computer meant you could communicate with anyone anywhere in the world whenever you wanted to. T...

Anonygo Android App Review
Aug 22nd 2015 at 01:44pm by GiveMeApps

The moment AOL Instant Messenger hit personal computers in the mid-1990s, communication changed forever. No longer did we have to pick up a phone or beep someone to contact them, but we could send messages and forget about them, making conversations more convenient and on our time. Then the Social M...