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GiveMeApps Reviews

Add-a-Cat Photo Editor iPhone/iPad App Review


Jan 31st 2012 at 09:59am by Amit Biswas

Amit Biswas

When not spending money on gadgets, Amit Biswas is a freelance writer and a tech enthusiast. Follow him on his Instagram or Blogspot

Almost felt like the 6 year old me just took over my mind as I started playing with cats in an app called “Add-a-Cat FREE - Photo Editor.” Awfully big name for a mobile app you say? Well, you bet. This app has just recently launched and I had ton of fun playing with it. So far, as only the first iteration, this application is already a hit.


See Also: Ghost Cam (Android)


Currently there is only a free version available with a promise to have a paid version later. But it can only get better from here after giving this app a trial run. You have six easy icons along the bottom edge of the screen that lets you pick an image and add different cats and other fun things into it. With Simple pinch to zoom you can very intuitively make the image and cat sizes as big or small as you want.


See Also: WordFoto (iOS)


Finally, you have an easy option to share your creation to various social media websites. Although if you notice the app did not take advantage of my screen real estate, but rest assured it will perfectly in most android devices except the high density ones due to the fact that the developer chose to format the layout using pixels instead of density pixels, which can be very easily fixed so I am not going to fuss over it. Also, there isn’t much cat collection to choose from so you might get bored easily. But fortunately the developer promised to add more cats in the next update. Overall, the app is incredibly smooth to use but that may vary on the version of Android you are running.


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Although this app is a newcomer, I would still like some additional features; for example an online browser built into the application to browse cat images and download as you wish, and instead of using pictures already in the gallery, I would prefer to have an option to take a picture on the spot. Overall, this application has great potential for being a fun app to show off to your friends and play around with your kids.


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