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GiveMeApps Reviews

5 years ago
Panoram iPhone/iPad App Review
7 years ago
Greyscale iPhone/iPad App Review
7 years ago
Passport Photo Creator Android App Review
9 years ago
Gyf iPhone/iPad App Review
9 years ago
Verso iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Special FX Camera Free Android App Review
12 years ago
Ghost Cam Android App Review
12 years ago
InFrame Foto Android App Review

Panoram iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 26th 2019 at 11:51am by GiveMeApps

Just when you think you have your marketing strategy all figured out, someone else develops a better strategy. Such was my thinking when I came across a few instagram profiles last summer where a travel company and a model spread one of their pictures over several photo tiles. The result was 9 pictu...


Greyscale iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 8th 2017 at 10:39pm by GiveMeApps

The first time I ever came across filters (the digital kind) was on Photoshop CS2. If you are familiar with that iteration of the program, then you know how long ago that was. In any case, these were simple monochromatic filter at best. Certain looks could be achieved by adjusting the parameters in ...


Passport Photo Creator Android App Review
Nov 14th 2016 at 09:44am by Harold Everton

We've all been there. We pay close attention to detail when filling out forms. We answer each prompt, dot all of the Is, cross all of the Ts, read the fine print, include any supplemental information and even include more information than they want just in case. From there we nervously click send or...


Gyf iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 12th 2014 at 10:56am by GiveMeApps

When Instagram surged in popularity a few years ago with its eye catching filters, tag driven status updates and its own photo format specifications, we knew that it was just a matter of time before video caught on along the same lines. While existing social media platforms do allow for video upload...

Verso iPhone/iPad App Review
Nov 3rd 2014 at 10:35am by GiveMeApps

Every day a new Social Network appears, but very few stay and are worth talking about. Social Networks that contain photo editing options like Instagram have become big hits but leave a lot to be desired. How about precise editing like in Photoshop? How about the ability to get your photo seen by mi...

Special FX Camera Free Android App Review
Jul 9th 2013 at 12:09pm by GiveMeApps

Ever wanted to do Blue/Green Screen on your smartphone or tablet? Daunted by the idea that you’d have to spend close to $150+ on an app for your desktop or laptop that will take your image subjects and place them wherever you want with little effort? If we told you there was an “app for ...

Ghost Cam Android App Review
Jul 16th 2012 at 09:16pm by GiveMeApps

We review Ghost Cam from Vietbaboon for Android Devices. This app lets you destroy pictures with Ghosts, Gruesome Eyeballs and Blood, Blood, Blood! An entertaining app, this video review explores the core functions of the app. The frills include the ability to share with your friends on Facebook and...

InFrame Foto Android App Review
Mar 18th 2012 at 12:57pm by Brooklyn Midas

Is that a phone or a camera? It’s so hard to tell the difference with the technology put into these smart phones. For the entire everyday professional to the everyday street snapper InFrame Foto will assist you in creating your own photo collages. Due to the application’s power and uniqu...