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GiveMeApps Reviews

Special FX Camera Free Android App Review


Jul 9th 2013 at 12:09pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Ever wanted to do Blue/Green Screen on your smartphone or tablet? Daunted by the idea that you’d have to spend close to $150+ on an app for your desktop or laptop that will take your image subjects and place them wherever you want with little effort? If we told you there was an “app for that" and that it was free, your head would probably spin… Twice!

Special FX Camera Free is that app! Laid out intuitively with just about every function packed around the screen involving one tap at most, getting around this app is as easy as 1-2-Tap. 

The first thing we advise is running the tutorial. Rather than just explain things, the tutorial forces you to create your first “Special FX" image by going through the actual steps, to which the end result is a blue-screened image! The results are pro-level.

On the bottom of the screen are the main icons. The color picker lets you choose the main background color which will be replaced with the subsequent background. The rate icon lets you rate app. The help icon brings up the tutorial. The remaining icons let you control the camera without having to exit the app (i.e. using the front or rear facing camera, and flash).On the left side is the tolerance slider, which allows you to set the strength of the chroma key effect.

Their app listing has positive reviews and begging for a pro/paid version to remove the ads. The ads on this free version are not obstructive, taking up a tiny, narrow portion of the right side of the screen.

The only gripes we have are the that icons have this 80s Amiga-esque 80s transparent look and feel which makes them hard to read at first glance. A classical more easy on the eyes approach would go a long way.  Also, there are only a few sample FX (backgrounds) included. Truthfully, as you get the hang of the app, there will be no need for so many included backgrounds as you’ll most likely be using your own! 

This app certainly gets 5 stars because we haven’t seen many apps like this for Android, and definitely not for free. The app is easy to use, the tutorial is extremely helpful. Don’t let the name of the app fool you. The title “Special FX" is a bit misleading. The functionality of this app is definitely professional level and has lots of potential. Be the Hollywood producer on the go! No laptop or desktop needed!