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Auto Makers Release More Apps For Your Dashboard


Jan 10th 2012 at 10:14am by Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel

Wayne Tempel is a freelance writer who has contributed to many articles on the web. You can follow him on Flipboard.

Each year the latest and greatest technology concepts and designs are showcased at the CES (Consumers Electronics Show), this tear was no exception. This show reaches across global markets, connects the industry and enables technology to grow and thrive.


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Now days apps are on everyone’s mind and the auto industry is no different. Car console screens are becoming the next “it” thing for apps, dubbed the infotainment system. Among the auto makers, one of the giants from Detroit Ford, paired with INRIX, a leading provider of traffic information, have created a new version of their Sync Destinations app. Ford has also announced plans to double their infotainment system apps to 10. 

Sync Destinations is an app that was released for free in 2010. It can send turn-by-turn directions to a vehicle by connecting the vehicle’s in car navigation system. This is a great concept for those who like to prepare their trips in advanced. You have the ability to send all of your travel destinations to your vehicles navigation system from the comfort of your home. 


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Your Dashboard Will Look Like This Fairly Soon

Toyota also has a system similar to Ford’s, called the Entune System. The Entune System is Toyota’s in car technology infotainment system that offers a collection of popular mobile apps and data services. Some of the apps included are Bing, iHeart Radio, Pandora and Some of the features include the ability to check gas prices, movie ticket prices, sports, traffic and weather all from the comfort of your vehicle. 

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Among the other auto makers, Mercedes-Benz and Kia will reveal apps for their infotainment systems at next weeks International Consumers Electronics Show. Kia’s system, like Ford’s will be voice activated, an intriguing concept. Each auto maker is always trying to outshine the other one, or borrowing an ideal from the other. Be sure to catch the news from this show. Among apps in your car and your T.V., one company will offer apps for your washing machine. 


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With an increasing number of apps made available for the iOS and Android, I’m sure that we will continue to see an increasing amount of apps available for your, Smartphones, tablets, T.V.’s, automobiles and so many more devices, there are endless possibilities. What do you think?


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