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Calory Guard iPhone/iPad App Review


May 7th 2012 at 04:18am by Brandon Baptiste

Brandon Baptiste

Brandon Baptiste is a freelance writer and tech enthusiast. Follow him on Google+

Nowadays people's health across the world is of great concern. On a daily basis, we all are being pushed to eat food without paying much attention to calories etc. More importantly it's about eating the right foods. As seen on television and newspapers CaloryGuard can assist you with attaining your perfect body. With more than 500,000 downloads CaloryGuard is now even more effective!


See Also: Tracker (iOS)


There are plenty of other features that make CaloryGuard acceptable for those willing to do the work though. With CaloryGuard Pro you can easily and quickly keep your own personalized food diary. CaloryGuard gives the user percentage breakdowns of calories help to determine which foods should be eaten when. The app has day, week, month, and 6 month breakdowns available to track long term performance. Also feel free to create own recipes or food entries.


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This app although effective, must be in the hands of someone who is going to keep up with their routine. Quick data input and tracking were installed for easy access to your daily progress. Download your personal calorie and fitness coach! This app is available for the iPhone and the iPad.


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