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GiveMeApps Reviews

2 months ago
Medidex Connect Pharmacist Chat iPhone/iPad App Review
1 year ago
MediDiscounts RX Coupon Android App Review
4 years ago
Friendly Mind Diet Android App Review
8 years ago
Tracker iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
ProDiagnose iPhone/iPad App Review
9 years ago
PostureZone iPhone/iPad App Review
10 years ago
Healee iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Catch My Pain iPhone/iPad App Review

Medidex Connect Pharmacist Chat iPhone/iPad App Review
May 23rd 2024 at 10:40pm by Queens King

Ever waste time at the pharmacy? From CVS to Rite Aid, everyone can relate. We all respect our pharmacy employees, but from the city to the suburbs, it is very difficult to find any which doesn't have a line or busy workers. Medidex aims to alleviate this issue by having the pharmacist at your beck ...


MediDiscounts RX Coupon Android App Review
Jun 23rd 2023 at 03:39pm by GiveMeApps

Anyone who has ever stood in line at a pharmacy knows how nerve-wracking it can be! From standing in the line, to checking to make sure your medications are covered by your insurer, to receiving the correct prescription. if you don't have insurance, that is a whole other headache. Costs insured or n...


Friendly Mind Diet Android App Review
Feb 16th 2020 at 01:25am by Brooklyn Midas

The year is still relatively young and it is around this time where many either forget or abandon their new year's resolutions. If there were a top ten of new year's goals, fitness and health would probably be near the top. It involves hard work and many do not follow through.   See Also: Tr...


Tracker iPhone/iPad App Review
Jun 7th 2016 at 07:29pm by GiveMeApps

I remember being a kid and watching my mother try to lose weight. This was some 20 years ago. She literally would count calories with a calorie counter. She would only do this for big meals and they were always estimates. What about foods from fast food restaurants? Meals you'd just throw together f...

ProDiagnose iPhone/iPad App Review
Jun 5th 2016 at 03:29am by GiveMeApps

If you asked people what they thought about doctors or medical professionals making house calls, they'd think you were talking about something straight out of a 1950s television show or cartoon. With the myriad of websites and apps now offering on demand services, it was a matter of time before the ...

PostureZone iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 1st 2014 at 03:16am by GiveMeApps

With the multitude of activities we partake in each day, it is easy to forget how important our posture is. All of the leaning on subway doors, slouching in our chairs, running in shoes or heels can take a toll on not just our posture, but our daily performance!  Short of going to a professiona...

Healee iPhone/iPad App Review
Jun 8th 2014 at 11:48am by Harold Everton

Few people know what is in their health records, and when they visit their health professionals, they still have little clue other than whatever ailment they perceive to have at that time. Many dentists will display a patient’s health record during assessments, but like Doctor’s visits, ...

Catch My Pain iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 11th 2013 at 11:11am by GiveMeApps

Take a look at our Video Review for "Pain Diary - Catch My Pain" for iOS. This medical app allows you to document any pain you may encounter using diagrams, charts and through descriptions. Revolutuionary would be an understatement. Check out our YouTube video review!...