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HD Currency Convertor & Forex Android App Review


Oct 12th 2015 at 01:29pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

You may be on your way to a vacation that was well planned, sitting in a first class seat on a commercial airline or on a cruise to your favorite foreign desitination. However when you get there, everything falls apart when you realized you didn't take in to consideration that you would need to convert currencies in order to make purchases or do business. Forget about doing complex math or using awkward convertors. HD Currency Convertor & Forex aims to take the mental gymnastics out of currency converting and becoming your go-to tool.

Ready Set Convert

After installing, the main screen features the meat and potatoes of the app which is the conversion calculator. Set up like a normal calculator, on the left side of the screen, your native currency is displayed. The right side contains the currency you plan to convert to. Setting these up is as simple as tapping on the currency displays. This brings up currencies for every country around the globe. You will see the name of the country, it's abbreviation and flag. Simply typing in the amount you wish to convert brings up the resulting conversion. It literally is that simple.

Tapping on Graph brings you the value of a currency against yours over time. We chose the US Dollar vs the Euro. Between October 7th and the 12th of 2015, the value of the Euro fell by .02. This is a convenient tool to have. No more waiting for finance reports on television or scouring the net. "Favorites" lets you store your most used conversions so you can call them up on the fly while the "Settings" option lets you adjust the language used, the overall color theme, decimal points, 12hr vs 24 hr time, Wi-Fi mode and the frequency interval used for Forex. It should be noted that changing the them requires an upgrade to the "Pro" version of the app.

HD Currency Convertor & Forex Android App Review | GiveMeApps

Convert Currencies Quickly! | HD Currency Convertor & Forex for Android



HD Currency Convertor and Forex (HCCF) is just one of those must-have apps. It is a tool that will be indispensible for people in Finance, Business and seasoned travelers. We did wish that a lot more themes were included for customization and would have rather seen features disabled in the free version rather than ads being included, but aside from this, HCCF is serious tool that will find a lot of use.