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King Pins - Top Rated Places Around Me iPhone/iPad App Review


Jul 8th 2015 at 01:39pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Let’s face it, some of us have a taste for only the finer things in life. One star or anything less than a B rated restaurant simply will not do. Whether you are traveling or just want to get to know the most exemplary of places in your vicinity, you now have an app that can help you with that – King Pins

The Finest

King Pins contains a list of the best of the best establishments the world over filtered so locations ten kilometers in either direction are presented to you in several categories – Restaurants, Cafes, Hotels, Nightlife and Sights. Each category is self-explanatory. To get a listing of any of the items in the aforementioned categories, simply click on the one you wish to view.

Results are immediately listed, but limited currently to places ten kilometers around you. You can further filter locations by price. As found on many review sites, pricing is listed in an ascending manner from one dollar sign to four. Clicking on the dollar sign icons will only display locations in specific pricing categories. We tested this out in a more remote section of New York City, the eastern end. The app faithfully listed locations of five star restaurants and cafes in both New York City and the neighboring suburb of Long Island effortlessly.


Clicking on venues gives you information about the venue, plus phone numbers, contact and website information. We were thrilled to have an app that does the work for us. If we were to Google this info, we’d have to do a lot of sorting. Elegantly designed and easy to use, if you are looking for the best of the best, King Pins – Places Around Me is your ticket.