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Live Shopper For Android App Review


Aug 14th 2018 at 06:40am by Harold Everton May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Harold Everton

Harold Everton, MBA MS ED is an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast who runs several websites. He is also an educator, professional recording artist and commercial actor. Follow him on Twitter.

GiveMeApps Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Obtaining discounts are as easy as completing a task
  • Many participating establishments in major cities
  • Needs more variety of participating businesses (this is improving every day however)

We've all used or heard of shopping apps. You would've had to live under a rock if you haven't heard of Groupon for example. What many of these shopping apps have in common however is the fine print. "Two Meal Minimum", "Only good with purchases over $40", etc. Not to mention redeeming processes. Live Shopper for iOS and Android attempts to smooth over this occasionally arduous task. 


See Also: The Coupons App (Android)


In this fast paced instant gratification world where every minute counts, shopping apps which promise deals should be easy as 1-2-3. We'll find out if Live Shopper lives up to the hype it promotes.


Getting Started

All one needs to do start locating deals and discounts is sign up using your email address or social media credentials. After this, the app prompts you to tap on "Earn Rewards". Once you login, the magic happens. All of the places locally which have some type of reward immediately populates a map. Simply tap on one of the orange location and you can do some more research on the deal being offered. 


Populated Map Of Deals | Live Shopper | Android App Review | GiveMeApps   How To Redeem | Live Shopper | Android App Review | GiveMeApps

Live Shopper Shows Participating Businesses On A Map


I'm in NYC, the self-identified capital of the world. I bring this up because as you'd expect, many locations pop up. If you're in a smaller town, the locations may be more sparse. When you tap on one of the locations, the deal and what you are required to do to receive it will appear on the screen. If you're not geographically inclined, you can also have all of the locations appear as a list from closest to furthest.


Your Turn

To retrieve a deal, all you need to do is complete a "task". The type of task of course depends on the establishment in question. Papa John's Pizza as an example will ask you to answer a few questions and then take a picture of the pizza when you pick it up. Their deal was one free large pizza with one topping. Sweet. The actual task must be completed at the location. Of course, confirm with management.


See Also: KRRB Classifieds (Android)


As you would expect, you have to commit to the deal once you agree to do the task. You are limited to locations within 10 miles.


Commit Before Redeeming | Live Shopper | Android App Review | GiveMeApps

Your are prompted before committing to your reward


Fortunately, the developers of the app were thoughtful about possible trigger-finger users, so you are prompted to confirm before committing.


Variety Is The Spice Of Life

While the app had plenty of Papa Johns locations and other eateries participating, Home Depot made the list along with several convenience stores and big box stores. 


Your Task To Redeem Your Reward | Live Shopper | Android App Review | GiveMeApps

In Just About Every Case We Tried, Redeeming Rewards Was Easy


Deals, Discounts and Freebies are all recorded and can be reviewed easily as reminder of how many rewards you earned.


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Final Thoughts

While Live Shopper is not in the same league as apps like Groupon which are well established and have a huge following, Live Shopper has potential and will pack a meatier punch once more entities sign on. As Live Shopper is extremely easy to use and doesn't require much from the end user, it certainly compliments the more established discount apps and should be another item in your savings arsenal. Live Shopper is available for Android and iOS.


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