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My Babys Teeth iPhone/iPad App Review


Dec 1st 2016 at 10:24pm by GiveMeApps

GiveMeApps Rating: 4.5 out of 5
  • Colorful illustrations and pop ups
  • Host of useful tips on dental care for babys
  • Would be great if pop ups linked to more in depth information

For many parents, when a baby is going through teething, it is either a smooth ride or a rough road. Some babies deal with irritability gum swelling, sleeping problems and even refusing food. While you can do little to prevent these problems, you can at least be one step ahead. My Babys Teeth, an app for the iPhone and iPad provides a nice guide with information on the order of which teeth appear along with tips which feature useful information.


See Also: Family Orbit (Android)


Once the app is fired up, you are prompted to input the baby's age from one to forty-eight months. Depending on the age you put in, a few or an entire set of teeth will appear inside the illustration of a mouth. From there, tapping on any of the teeth will reveal its name in a pop up. Above the mouth illustration, tips are displayed.


iPhone/iPad App Review: My Babys Teeth | GiveMeApps iPhone/iPad App Review: My Babys Teeth | GiveMeApps

My Babys Teeth Takes The Guessing Out Your Baby's Teething Timeline


We played around with different ages. As expected, the higher the age, the more teeth displayed. If you were not familiar with the names of the different teeth, you will be educated. At ten months, 10 teeth are displayed. These include the Lateral Incisors, Central Incisors, and First Molars. At 24 months, 18 different teeth appear. You have the aforementioned plus the canines. 


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My Babys Teeth couldn't be any easier to use. Just input the age and go. All the information you need appears instantly. It would be nice if pop ups included links to places with more in depth information. Despite this, the app serves its purpose well. Though designed for eager and curious parents and caregivers, it can also function as a nice educational tool to help kids understand more about tooth care. Overall, a solid app.


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