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GiveMeApps Reviews

Nokia Helps Windows Phone Take The 3rd Spot!


Jul 20th 2013 at 02:11am by GiveMeApps

In an amazing feat, Nokia has managed to sell more Lumia phones than all Blackberry models combined. All of this despite posting an operating loss. The operating loss while significant at $150 Million, is peanuts to what was posted this time last year, which was a little over $1 Billion.

Nokia sold 7 1/2 million Lumias this quarter, up 2 million over last. Compare this to Blackberry's 6.8 million phone total (all models) for the second quarter. This disparity in sales puts Windows Phone into 3rd place as an OS behind Android and Apple.

This finding is further backed by an IDC report from May showing Windows Phone sales had eclipsed that of Blackberry