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Qontact Windows Phone Review


Dec 25th 2014 at 02:34am by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

It’s almost impossible to imagine someone not being on the go here in the beginning of the 21st century. Whether you are a businessman, mother, or even a student in a secondary school, things happen extremely fast. We have conversations in route and are always on our devices. We now find it tedious to stop and talk, let alone waste a couple of minutes getting someone’s phone number, address or exchanging business cards. In this day age, we all hate clutter and do as much as we can to have whatever we need on our mobile device. If you have a Windows Phone device, you’re in luck. Qontact lets you get contact information, send contact information and share contact information with just a few clicks – The perfect app for us on-the-go warriors.

Just Get It

The premise behind Qontact is to Get, Share and Send information from device to device. With the Get feature, you can scan contact information via QR Codes. In most cases, QR codes will supply your device with all necessary contact information including phone numbers, web addresses, street address, first names, last names and more. When we tested the app, we didn’t have any business cards with QR codes (which is now pretty much the norm), so we went online and generated a QR code on a website which allowed us to enter in as much information as we liked. Sure enough, when we tested the GET function, automatically, all of the information we packed into the QR code was automatically scanned into our device. From there the app asks you if you want to save all of the information as a contact. This worked almost flawlessly. While there are many more features to discuss, we felt this was the app’s most powerful feature. If ever met someone in the street and did not want to add another business card to your wallet, this app would pay for itself.

Send and Share work as expected. You can send your entire contact book to another device or select just a few contacts. These can be exported as Text and even CSV files when appropriate. Programmers will find lots of uses with the latter. The process is as simple as selecting the contacts you want to share or send and following the directions. There is also V Card support


We have to give kudos to the developer for making this app simple to use. Everything is self-explanatory. The interface is very straightforward. This app is all about convenience. If you are a mover or shaker and spend a lot of time networking, then this app is a must have if you own a Windows Phone device. Some features are only available with the Pro version like emailing large contact books via email attachments, but at only $2.99 it’s a no brainer.