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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

12 years ago
Amazon Discount Helper Android App Review
13 years ago
Trail Hit Android App Review
13 years ago
AutoSMS Android App Review

Amazon Discount Helper Android App Review
Jun 24th 2012 at 05:08pm by Amit Biswas

As human beings we all have myriad characteristics that set us apart from each other. But no matter who you are, I am absolutely certain that you love discounts. Not just discounts in a random store or website, I am talking about discounts for the largest retailer, who we have all have come to love ...

Trail Hit Android App Review
Feb 12th 2012 at 11:26am by Amit Biswas

For those who might think smartphones hold back people from socializing or just being out in the open, this app will come at a surprise. TrailHit is nothing short of genius in its idea and implementation. This is a treasure hunting game that uses gps and mapping utilities to guide you to the treasur...

AutoSMS Android App Review
Jan 30th 2012 at 05:37am by Amit Biswas

If you own a business of any kind, work with social media or just have to interact with a lot of people , Autosms is an app that will come in handy. This app allows one to preset a promotional text message and a customized business card that you can create yourself right inside this nifty little app...