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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

8 years ago
Roam Frii Android App Review
9 years ago
SecEMS Android App Review
9 years ago
Clickclap Android App Review
9 years ago
Anonygo Android App Review
10 years ago
BlueChatBox Android App Review
10 years ago
Chatbox Android App Review
10 years ago
Emoji Android App Review

Roam Frii Android App Review
Nov 25th 2016 at 11:23pm by Harold Everton

I remember purchasing my first mobile phone back in 2001 from VoiceStream (remember them?) with much excitement. Any elation I had wore off when I received my first bill. This was when competitive call plans started at 300 min/month, and unlimited data wasn't even a "thing" yet. Needless to say, bei...


SecEMS Android App Review
Dec 16th 2015 at 11:43pm by GiveMeApps

  The problem with social media and the online world today is that whenever you put information out, any kind of information, it's public. How you come to terms with that is your business, but it is the reality. People have lost their jobs because of the slip of the tongue, misspeaking or just...

Clickclap Android App Review
Nov 26th 2015 at 11:29am by GiveMeApps

We are always looking for new ways to communicate using our mobile devices and thus move from chat app to chat app in search of the holy grail. The problem is, they're all rehashes of the same concept. From the AIM the dinosaur up to Facebook Messenger, all let you text, share images and even video....

Anonygo Android App Review
Aug 22nd 2015 at 01:44pm by GiveMeApps

The moment AOL Instant Messenger hit personal computers in the mid-1990s, communication changed forever. No longer did we have to pick up a phone or beep someone to contact them, but we could send messages and forget about them, making conversations more convenient and on our time. Then the Social M...

BlueChatBox Android App Review
Dec 7th 2014 at 01:41am by GiveMeApps

There are so many different chat apps and let’s be honest, we keep up with them all. As people tire of one method of mobile communication, we move onto another in search for the next big thing. With each release chat apps are becoming increasingly complex and sometimes much to the cry of users...

Chatbox Android App Review
Nov 4th 2014 at 09:08am by GiveMeApps

What’s old is new again. When the internet exploded in the late 1990s, it took communication and information along with it. No longer were people stuck underneath their covers at 2 AM having conversations on their touchtone telephones, but rather in front of the computer staring at a large CRT...

Emoji Android App Review
Jul 30th 2014 at 07:39pm by GiveMeApps

Instant Messaging revolutionized communication in the late 1990s in many ways including bringing us the emoticon. These cute sentence enders evolved over the last decade from being simple colons followed by parentheses to become fully graphic hodgepodges of different facial expression and cute chara...