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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

7 years ago
Follywood - Dub Movies Android App Review
8 years ago
Evensi Android App Review
8 years ago
Whataplace Android App Review
9 years ago
Linechecker Android App Review

Follywood - Dub Movies Android App Review
Nov 1st 2017 at 03:12am by Harold Everton

First there were Memes, then GIF clips and now there's Follywood! Follywood Dub Movies lets you take actual video and movie clips and add your own audio overdub. Imagine redoing the voices to your favorite movie scene or cartoon clip. Well, Follywood doesn't just stop there.   See Also: Live ...


Evensi Android App Review
Jul 6th 2016 at 03:45am by Harold Everton

Ever try to plan the perfect outing for you and your significant other? How about for a first date? How about for a group of friends or family? If you're like some people I know, you might wait until the very last minute to crack open the latest magazine (we have "Time Out" here in New York) to peru...

Whataplace Android App Review
May 9th 2016 at 09:54pm by GiveMeApps

Ever visit a new city or town, go sightseeing and enjoy yourself so much in the process of visiting so much uncovered terrain that you inadvertently forget eighty percent of the places you visited? What if you could log all of those places or better yet, search for places around you so you could fin...

Linechecker Android App Review
Mar 6th 2016 at 11:11pm by GiveMeApps

  If you're the type that works hard and plays hard, maybe goes out to party every once in a while or even if you're a nightlife guru who has to make appearances a few times a week, you will appreciate Linechecker. Rather than planning a night out to the perfect nightclub, restaurant or bar on...