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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

8 years ago
Clotify 2.0 Android App Review
8 years ago
Seudos Android App Review
11 years ago
GrowSocial Android App Review
11 years ago
Rudetoons Text Android App Review
13 years ago
My Traffic Solution Android App Review
13 years ago
Chroniclr Android App Review

Clotify 2.0 Android App Review
Nov 20th 2016 at 10:08am by Harold Everton

I remember the first time I saw outfit ideas presented on social media. Someone actually took the time to lay out clothing in a professional way along with footwear and accessories. I was floored. More importantly, the layout made me wanted to visit the website of the brand and make the purchase. I ...


Seudos Android App Review
Jul 21st 2016 at 06:19pm by Harold Everton

As if there weren't enough social networks in existence, another one comes online... and you can't wait! Look, let's be honest. If you're older than 25, you remember MySpace, you remember Hi-5 and probably even Community Connect. If you've been plugged in then you probably had an account on all of t...

GrowSocial Android App Review
Feb 2nd 2014 at 07:41pm by GiveMeApps

If you are on the internet right now and have accounts on any Social Media Network, you generally fall in one of three categories. Either you are someone who wants to keep in touch with close friends, a socialite who wants to meet people or a business who wants to get more conversion. If you fall in...

Rudetoons Text Android App Review
Nov 29th 2013 at 04:28pm by GiveMeApps

Tired of sending lame text messages? “Lame” because in this day and age of Facebook and Instagram where graphics and regular photos are the norm, we all want to find more striking ways to get the attention of our followers. Memes and Graphical Text are all the rage because they can be co...

My Traffic Solution Android App Review
Mar 5th 2012 at 01:58am by Wayne Tempel

Are you a blogger? Are you an Internet marketer? Are you an online entrepreneur? If you answered yes to any of these statements, there is a new Android app that is an absolute webmasters dream come true. This app is going to be the biggest app in mobile computing. Once every webmaster hears about th...

Chroniclr Android App Review
Oct 26th 2011 at 07:30am by Wayne Tempel

This is my review of the Chroniclr. The app is available for both the iPhone/iPad and Android. I am using the Android version and have it on my HTC Evo.  Chroinclr is very well put together. It has a very simple easy to use interface, very useful. It is social media friendly and very promisin...