GiveMeApps Reviews Android
Ranger Pro Safe Browser Android App Review
Apr 12th 2013 at 10:25am by GiveMeApps
Enter in the Mobile Devices. Mobile Device security has become a huge priority when dispensing units to employees at various firms and for kids through parents or educational facilities. Whichever category you fall in, you're most likely familiar with filtering software for your desktop PCs and Macs...
Bus Stop Live Wallpaper Android App Review
Sep 10th 2012 at 01:49am by GiveMeApps
Personalization of your electronic devices go all the way back to the microcomputer craze of the late 80s and the emergence of the Modern PCs and Macs in the late 90s. Everyone rushed out to download the latest wallpaper or specialized software to skin their PC shell, namely Windows or Mac OS. Stard...
NYC Android App Review
Aug 31st 2012 at 05:59pm by GiveMeApps
Over the last few years, there have been a slew of New York City specific apps. Many of them primarily dealt with Bus Schedules, Restaurant Guides, Parking, Sightseeing and even finding the perfect nightclub. Now suppose you could roll all of those apps into one. Add Social Networking, Wifi Maps, Vi...
EchoHacks Speech Trainer Android App Review
Jul 29th 2012 at 01:44am by GiveMeApps
Watch as Harold Everton reviews EchoHacks Speech Trainer by EchoHacks. This app allows you to listen to yourself speak by way of an Echo to help train your speech to perfection. Work on Accent Reduction, Impediments, or just listen to yourself speak! Requires Headset to function correctly. 3.5/5 Sta...
Alarm Clock Ultra Android App Review
Jul 23rd 2012 at 01:10am by GiveMeApps
Watch this video review of Alarm Clock Ultra developed by Apps Dev Group. This app is feature packed and brings a lot to the table for just $2.99. Will this app make the traditional alarm clock obsolete? Watch as we take this app to task. Review by Harold Everton ...
Ghost Cam Android App Review
Jul 16th 2012 at 09:16pm by GiveMeApps
We review Ghost Cam from Vietbaboon for Android Devices. This app lets you destroy pictures with Ghosts, Gruesome Eyeballs and Blood, Blood, Blood! An entertaining app, this video review explores the core functions of the app. The frills include the ability to share with your friends on Facebook and...
Gravity Football Euro 2012 Android App Review
Jun 30th 2012 at 03:00pm by GiveMeApps
Growing up with football or soccer has created a special place for football related games in my heart. I have played every single football game made by the big-shot companies every year. Other than adding a year in the title, those big-time games don't really have much going for them. Hence, I did n...
Amazon Discount Helper Android App Review
Jun 24th 2012 at 05:08pm by Amit Biswas
As human beings we all have myriad characteristics that set us apart from each other. But no matter who you are, I am absolutely certain that you love discounts. Not just discounts in a random store or website, I am talking about discounts for the largest retailer, who we have all have come to love ...