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GiveMeApps Reviews

Tap The App Android App Review


Oct 25th 2015 at 10:05am by GiveMeApps

Even if you make six figures, there is no such thing as too much money. People are always looking for ways to increase their income but starting a business is tough, taking on extra job is tiring, and freelancing requires demand. Fortunately, with Tap The App for Android, there is an easier way.

Tap And Talk

Tap The App lets you complete tasks for cash, literally. Post installation requires social media free registration which is great. Once you create your account, you can start earning. To acquire cash, you have to complete certain activities. Completing activities helps you rack of credits which can be then turned into cash via PayPal or Amazon Gift Cards. Sweet! Tasks include completing surveys, installing apps, sharing on social media, or rating items.


Tap The App Android App Review | GiveMeApps


What we liked the most was the leaderboard. Normally a eyesore in most games, this turns Tap The App into a game where you can see which users acquired the most credits. Credit amounts can be redeemed for as much as $1000. Talk about extra income! Most importantly, literally anyone can do this.


Tap The App is an easy to use app. Getting extra cash to spend could not be any easier. It’s as simple as completing tasks and then redeeming the credits. If you are looking for a way to fill your pockets without taking on a second 9-5, Tap The App is worth a real look.