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GiveMeApps Reviews

Windows Phone 8 App Shootout


Jul 26th 2013 at 01:25pm by GiveMeApps May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

Windows Phone 8 is the #3 selling smartphone in the world as of last May. One of the complaints that WP8 lovers have is the lack of "quality apps". We here at GiveMeApps beg to differ. Windows Phone 8 is relatively new and it will take some time for the number of Windows Phone 8 apps to catch up in numbers to the competition. 

As we wait it out for Windows Phone apps to start appearing in large numbers here in our own App Store, we have put together a comprehensive list of must have apps that just about anyone can use. Check it out below, or go to the bottom of this article to see the video version of this review. 

1. A+ Flashlight - DNV Solutions

This app allows you to use your phone as a flashlight! Power outage? Didn't pay your light bill? Provided you have a wind up charger (not needed), the app uses the flash from your camera as a flashlight! 

2. Battery Level - Mahender Gundepuneni

Windows Phone 8 gives you a battery indicator, but does not specify using a percentage how much of a charge is available. Pinpointing it using some level of measure gives you a more accurate reading. Oin this to your start screen and you are good to go!

3. Bluetooth Free - Eyacker

Instead of hunting through the settings menu, this puts Bluetooth connectivity at your fingertips. Literally in one click, access everything that has to do with Bluetooth on your device.

4. Connectivity Shortcuts - App Cave

Gives you access to Bluetooth, Wifi and other data transfer protocols. 

5. Instagraph - Venetasoft

Until Instagram comes out for the WP8 platform, this is as close as you are going to get. This has Instagram connectivity, but offers far more editing and filter options than the current Instagram apps. Crop your pictures to custom sizes. Have access to over 30 filters. Get rid of red eye. Set exposure, brigthness, contrast, and view many more tweak options. You can of course post directly to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. We think you'll like this more than the current crop of Instagram apps.

6. Lightning Dial - Enless Soft

Speed dial for Windows Phone 8. This app puts up a huge phone key pad and lets you assign numbers to each key. 

7. Shrink Storage - Manu Bauer

A must have! Garbage data accumulates on your Windows Phone 8 device. This gets rid of all of the crap on your phone. The result is a phone that runs as fast as it did when it came from the factory. Get rid of what is taking up space on your phone in three simple steps.

There are many more apps which we cover in this series. Check out the attached YouTube video to see demonstrations of the apps mentioned above and more! There will be a Part II to this series.