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GiveMeApps Reviews

Wolf Online


Mar 22nd 2015 at 01:46pm by GiveMeApps

If you have both a ferocious appetite, like hanging around in packs and are handy with an Android Device, Wolf Online might be your ticket. In the spirit of online multiplayer virtual habitat gaming which can trace itself back to the Club Caribe Commodore 64 days of the 1980s, Wolf Online lets you select from a multitude of wolves, three ultra-realistic 3D environments and lets you peruse land looking for animals to kill and devour so you can survive and flourish.

Welcome To The Virtual World

Wolf Online requires an online connection, which means that without one, you cannot play. After a grandiose intro of epic film proportions, you are taken through a basic tutorial which teaches you how to move around and utilize the given controls. You are armed with sharp teeth, a control button which lets you move in every possible direction, a map to let you know where pray is and your name above your avatar to help you distinguish yourself from your peers.

As this is a multi-player game and wolves travel in packs, it would behoove you to be friendly with your colleagues as it is they who help you survive. Much like a console game, you can chat with friends who can give you directions so you can all seek out prey together. The map is detailed. It will tell you if friends or foes are near. You can also swipe the screen to get an overhead perspective, look up from the ground, and other controls let you go back to where you started from.

Getting Your Pray

Wolf Online is an endless game. With its roots in pocket pet electronic games of the 90s, you have to stay alive and kill predators before they kill you. You will come across elephants, hyenas, reptiles and the like. We were stomped out by elephants on a few occasions. The screen will gray out temporarily when you die. You will see pools of blood when you kill or get injured and you’ll even see scratches on your own body. Sound effects imitate their respective habitats. Included maps give you an overhead view of an entire area. Clicking on map and then choosing a different area will bring you into a new habitat. As an example, Snowstorm, Combat Field are just some of the habitats on the map.  


There seems to be an endless amount of options in Wolf Online. Even selecting your character, you get a lot of choices. There are four mountain wolves, four snow wolves and four wild wolves. The graphics and sound are amazing. You can tell that intense development went into making this. The playability rivals what you would experience with an Xbox or Playstation. It’s amazing what mobile devices can support today. We recommend a secure Wi-Fi connection to experience Wolf Online at its best. It will keep you entertained for moons to come.