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GiveMeApps Reviews Review


Feb 15th 2012 at 11:28pm by jbanafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha

Jordan Banafsheha is a freelance web developer and blogger. Follow him on his Twitter for info on his development services. is a new website in its beta stage, that allows users to make really nice, informational graphs. As well as the modern and clean designs, also gives users the option to embed graphs to blogs and websites. 

Eat Your Chart Out.

Users can take excel sheets with data on them and easily upload them to and will automatically generate the graphs users are looking for; all users must do is pick a design that they like. requires no programming or design skills.


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Another great feature is the interactive layout included in all charts. When one places their cursor over a part of the graph a bubble pops up showing more information about that part of the chart.

There are four basic chart types user may pick from: bar, pie, line, and matrix. Allows For 4 Design Types


As well as the four basic designs listed above will be offering users the ability to make more creative and interactive graphs as well. Examples of the creative graphs to come can be seen below:


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