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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

6 years ago
Meta Meme iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Stakehaul iPhone/iPad App Review

Meta Meme iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 15th 2018 at 08:16pm by Harold Everton

I can't get through a day on Social Media without coming across at least a few memes. If you've been living under a rock, "Memes" are images which usually contain top and bottom captions to convey some kind of message. Memes have been popular online for as long as I can remember, even the earliest d...


Stakehaul iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 25th 2016 at 07:49pm by Harold Everton

Okay readers, let's be honest. How many times have you made a bet in the office? Who can bring in the most clients? Who can beat your manager in a push-up contest? Who can drink the most water continuously from the watercooler in one sitting? Perhaps none of you did the last two, but if you're someo...