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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

8 years ago
Verbum iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Pharaoh's Golden Way Deluxe iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Free Workouts iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
DayGram iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Tweet Memes iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Tees Dubs iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Geometry Pong iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
FaceDial iPhone/iPad App Review

Verbum iPhone/iPad App Review
Mar 7th 2016 at 12:53am by GiveMeApps

There is no shortage of wordgames, be it crossword puzzles, fill in the blanks, collaboration games or scramblers. That said, as long as these plethora of games have been around, many have their limits. Verbum aims to change that by letting find words in any direction, up, down, across, diagonal, ar...

Pharaoh's Golden Way Deluxe iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 22nd 2016 at 12:25am by GiveMeApps

  Last year, my girflriend introduced me to her Casino obsession. "Atlantic City, here we come!" was a common phrase heard at least once a month. After going there a few times, we started visiting local casinos in the New York City metro area.   See Also: Poker Party House (iOS)  ...

Free Workouts iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 15th 2016 at 02:14am by GiveMeApps

  Here we are a month into the new year and people are breaking their New Year's resolutions left and right. All of those people who made their way to the gym and signed up for new memberships are now disappearing at a brisk pace. Why do you ask? The number one excuse is, "they don't hae the t...

DayGram iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 30th 2016 at 05:16pm by Harold Everton

  It is good practice to write a journal. Whether you're a regular 9-5er, or a corporate slinger pulling in 80 hour weeks, academic research in academia consistently supports that journaling is good practice for both business and health. Not only is it good for helping to clarify some thoughts...

Tweet Memes iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 23rd 2016 at 10:06am by GiveMeApps

  It is always convenient when a tedious process which takes more than several steps is condensed into just a few. Memes, that is, funny or controversial pictures with short captions on the top and bottom edges exploded all over social media within the last five years are so. They have made ca...

Tees Dubs iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 26th 2015 at 06:33pm by GiveMeApps

  These days everyone is sharing all of their precious moments with the world via photo and videos. A quick look at someone active on Facebook will reveal thousands of pics and vids documenting their lives. Some have used video sharing platforms like YouTube and Vine to become celebrities in t...

Geometry Pong iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 25th 2015 at 12:01pm by GiveMeApps

  It might seem like that at some point, developers will run out of ideas for exciting games. When in doubt, reinvention is the best way to capture attention. With some forty years of video games under our belt, repitition is bound to happen. If you can repackage something and add a modern twi...

FaceDial iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 16th 2015 at 10:14am by GiveMeApps

Every once in a while an app comes along that makes some process which was mundane or complicated become slightly easier and more fun with a few unexpected bells and whilstles thrown in.   See Also: Linechecker (Android)   It's an app that forces you to say, 'Ah, I always needed that"...