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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

6 months ago
Ice Cream Cat iPhone/iPad App Review
5 years ago
Party Wars iPhone/iPad App Review
5 years ago
We Know Any Card iPhone/iPad App Review
6 years ago
Iron Hopper iPhone/iPad App Review
6 years ago
Little Adventure On The Prairie iPhone/iPad App Review
7 years ago
9 Moves iPhone/iPad App Review
7 years ago
Super Zombie Puncher iPhone/iPad App Review
7 years ago
Abby In The Sky iPhone/iPad App Review

Ice Cream Cat iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 14th 2024 at 10:27pm by Queens King

One game genre that always seems to have a new entry which gets mobile gamers excited is the match genre. These are games where you match any similar items be it objects, colors, sizes, you name it. The genre attracts users of all ages. Think about it, even outside of mobile gaming, board and card g...


Party Wars iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 10th 2019 at 09:23pm by Harold Everton

History repeats itself as they say, and every generation or so, the population of the United States gets itself entangled in diametric opposition on several key moral issues. Some examples? In the 1860s it was slavery, the 1910s women's suffrage, the 1960s: the Vietnam war. Now in the 2010s, it's im...


We Know Any Card iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 16th 2018 at 02:21pm by Brooklyn Midas

With Halloween coming around in the states, this might be the best time to pull the ultimate trick or treat. We've seen enough scary costumes, horror hyped residences every neighborhood and an excess of cavity inducing delights in every convenience store you can think of. We believe we've found an a...


Iron Hopper iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 7th 2017 at 10:21pm by Harold Everton

The developers of Iron Hopper for the iPhone and iPad tout their game as being "the" greatest of 2017. Whether or not that claim has any merit would be determined by you of course, not them. Offering retro styled 8-bit like graphics, cheesy background music and simple controls, could this mobile adv...


Little Adventure On The Prairie iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 29th 2017 at 05:08pm by Brooklyn Midas

So, you are old enough to remember Zelda and NES. You have an insatiable appetite for televisions shows like Games Of Thrones and anything medieval. You love the fun of killing monsters and living the life of a knight, but don’t want the complicated gameplay that seems to prevalent in today&rs...


9 Moves iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 10th 2017 at 01:57am by Brooklyn Midas

Sometimes simple is better, especially when it comes to gaming. The simpler the concept, the easier it is to grasp and the more accessible it is to people of all interests. Add some challenges to the mix and you may have a hit on your hands. Think about Paper Toss from earlier in the decade. 9 Moves...


Super Zombie Puncher iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 5th 2017 at 05:23pm by Harold Everton

You might want to call the 2010s the decade of the Zombie. You can't escape them in any current form of media. Whether you're obsessed with the Walking Dead, or fanatic enough to sit through and watch the Talking Dead (talk show which follows the Walking Dead); or reading about Cult Classics li...


Abby In The Sky iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 6th 2016 at 08:35pm by GiveMeApps

Who doesn't like a little bit of nostalgia? If you're privy to the bleeps and blips of early video games, grainy graphics and simple gameplay, then Abby In The Sky might be up your alley.   See Also: Run Away Kid (Android)   In this 8 bit bonanza, you have to steer good ol' Abby to saf...
