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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

8 years ago
Teething Chart iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
My Babys Teeth iPhone/iPad App Review

Teething Chart iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 1st 2016 at 11:04pm by GiveMeApps

Remember the tooth fairy? If you're a parent and have a child age 6-12, you might be in the habit of leaving quarters underneath their pillow. in addition to cute pictures, adorable lisps and diaries highlighting every milestone, there is a new app which can help you trace each step of the journey w...


My Babys Teeth iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 1st 2016 at 10:24pm by GiveMeApps

For many parents, when a baby is going through teething, it is either a smooth ride or a rough road. Some babies deal with irritability gum swelling, sleeping problems and even refusing food. While you can do little to prevent these problems, you can at least be one step ahead. My Babys Teeth, an ap...
