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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

10 years ago
Coin Dozer Adventures iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Fun Collect iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Drop Possible iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Amazing Jet Rider iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Pong 2013 Lite iPhone/iPad App Review
11 years ago
Le Vamp iPhone/iPad App Review
12 years ago
Sliding Sam iPhone/iPad App Review
12 years ago
Gluey iPhone/iPad App Review

Coin Dozer Adventures iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 11th 2014 at 06:22am by GiveMeApps

Classic Arcade Game remakes for mobile devices always seem to be instant hits. Perhaps it is the nostalgia, familiarity of the game play, or the thought of having a game that was once on a huge console now in your pocket! Coin Dozer has now been added to the mix. Reincarnated as Coin Dozer Adventure...

Fun Collect iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 16th 2013 at 06:09am by GiveMeApps

The old adage is “simple is always” better right? This sometimes applies to gaming. Sometimes the games with the simplest concepts and graphics become the most addictive and challenging affairs. We have recently reviewed a few games which fast follow this rule. Fun Collect for iPhone &am...

Drop Possible iPhone/iPad App Review
Nov 22nd 2013 at 07:11am by GiveMeApps

Can we ever get enough of Pong? It seems as if every day another developer is putting out a Pong –style game. There are good reasons for this. Number one, we can never get enough of a good thing. Two, if it aint broke, don’t fix it! has taken a new spin on Pong with their new...

Amazing Jet Rider iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 14th 2013 at 07:46pm by GiveMeApps

Jet packs have been all the rage over the years in countless films, cartoons, science fiction documentaries and video games. Movies such as the 90s smash hit "The Rocketeer". It is a concept which never gets tiring. Being able to fly through the air with nothing between you and the sky. Amazing Jet ...

Pong 2013 Lite iPhone/iPad App Review
Aug 19th 2013 at 04:22pm by GiveMeApps

Pong is now one of those games that's made for people ages 8-88. The game is almost 40 years old and lives on in classic arcade game collections in many forms. But what if it could be updated with better graphics, cool new themes and interesting challenges? Well, this is where Pong 2013 Lite comes i...

Le Vamp iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 28th 2013 at 09:31pm by GiveMeApps

We come across so many games, but very few with top notch graphics, addictive and logical game play, great story lines and upgrades that make you say "wow!". Though the mobile device market is maturing, we still tend to think of games manufactured for this market as "meh" compared to console games, ...

Sliding Sam iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 27th 2012 at 12:50pm by GiveMeApps

A lot of the games on the market are spins on old themes and while many are great (and some not so much), they offer very little in the way of being unique, attention getters. Sliding Sam is not one of those games. While dabbing the typical "rescue the princess" fashion, the Developer Samuel Marin p...

Gluey iPhone/iPad App Review
Aug 25th 2012 at 05:32am by GiveMeApps

Many of the games on the market are pickup and go. We more or less are able to take this approach with just about every game we review. After all, seen one, seen them all right? It takes a lot for a developer or writer to break the mold and come up with new concepts to market, let alone actually rea...