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Stock Predict Android App Review


Nov 22nd 2019 at 10:26am by Queens King May Contain Affiliate Links (What’s This?)

The Queens King

The Queens King is a freelance tech writer and enthusiast

GiveMeApps Rating: 5 out of 5
  • Intuitive interface
  • Helps sharpen prediction skills
  • Requires long term commitment
  • Reward payout for accurate predictions
  • Tutorial in the help section could be helpful to first time players

Getting involved in and understanding the stock market can be a daunting task. It requires really understanding the market, economics, and industry jargon. Making money in the stock market isn’t at all like the movies. It requires a relatively long term commitment and risk. That risk piece, the possibility of losing a bit or all is the most off-putting. What if you lost it all? Stock Predict is a game for Android gives you the ability to start learning about the market, get competitive and sharpen your prediction skill without the risk. Your first question should be “where do I sign up?”


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Getting in the market

Stock Predict requires you either sign in using your Google+ account or as a guest. To reap any real rewards, you will need to sign in. Since by downloading the game, you will already have a google account, singing up is painless. The main premise of the game is that you get to search through a multitude of stocks and then vote on the stock you wish to track and ultimately predict for the day.


App Review | Stock Predict | Android | GiveMeApps App Review | Stock Predict | Android | GiveMeApps

First you vote on stocks, then make a prediction on the most voted stocks


That prediction comes in the form of the stock closing price. As there are a myriad of users already active in Stock Predict, the three stocks with the most votes in the systems are the ones which end up getting tracked. When the market opens, you can then choose to predict the closing price for one of or all three stocks.


Psychic Network

When you are ready to predict, you are shown the previous closing price of that stock and it’s current price. In the predict window, a field is provided for your prediction price. What we like the most about your ability to predict is how conservative the app forces you to be. You may choose a closing price in the form of a percentage. You are confined to a range of -3 to +3%. You also have the ability to place a bet multiplier of one to three times. Once you are comfortable with your prediction, you can submit it. From here, you wait until the market closes to see if your prediction panned out.


See Also: Spiking Verified Social Trading (iOS)


Be a winner

When the market closes is when you find out if your prediction skills are worth writing home about. If your prediction is inline, you get reward points for doing so! In our case, we were able to predict the progress of ProShare Ultra Pro QQQ within 1% and received 10 reward points. One of the intriguing pieces of the game is that if you make accurate predictions, you get rewarded points.


App Review | Stock Predict | GiveMeApps | Android App Review | Stock Predict | Android | GiveMeApps

If your predictions are accurate, you can claim reward points. Other bonuses exist.


Those points can be put toward Amazon gift cards! How motivating. In this sense, as we mentioned in the opening of this article, Stock Predict allows you to truly get your feet wet without the risk, but with rewards


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We loved a lot about Stock Predict. For a novice or even a seasoned trader, it allows you to sharpen your prediction skills and get acquainted with company performance. It also works with your patience as though while Stock Predict is a game, it requires a long term commitment. Playing is a day affair, not a pick up and drop scenario. While the game is free, diamonds are required for most activities including predicting stocks, viewing company details, claiming rewards and voting. You can purchase these diamonds via in app purchases. You are given 100 diamonds for free to start, so there is plenty of wiggle room to get started right after you download. With a nice intuitive interface, well thought out game play and the use or real data, we can’t recommend Stock Predict enough! Download it here. 


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