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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

3 years ago
Better Cameras Coming To Samsung Budget Phone Line
6 years ago
Bird vs Brick Android App Review
6 years ago
Live Shopper For Android App Review
7 years ago
VRmeta Android App Review
7 years ago
Follywood - Dub Movies Android App Review
7 years ago
Fly Single Android App Review
8 years ago
SWAT Forces vs Zombies Android App Review
8 years ago
Bat Attack Android App Review

Better Cameras Coming To Samsung Budget Phone Line
Sep 4th 2021 at 12:01pm by Harold Everton

Remember the A-Team? No, not the series, but the often mocked stepchild-line of phones and tablets from Samsung. There is nothing wrong with their A-line of phones, but they often don't get the same amount of attention as their revered and cutting edge S-line. What this means is that with the A-line...

Bird vs Brick Android App Review
Dec 5th 2018 at 01:44am by Harold Everton

A couple of years ago we reviewed a myriad of Flappy Bird clones all which duplicated the original game play exactly with minor adjustments such as a scenery change. This made for a lot of sighs, mainly out of indifference and boredom. How many times has the dead horse been beaten? TD Indie is worki...


Live Shopper For Android App Review
Aug 14th 2018 at 06:40am by Harold Everton

We've all used or heard of shopping apps. You would've had to live under a rock if you haven't heard of Groupon for example. What many of these shopping apps have in common however is the fine print. "Two Meal Minimum", "Only good with purchases over $40", etc. Not to mention redeeming processes. Li...


VRmeta Android App Review
Mar 30th 2018 at 07:03pm by Harold Everton

Trust me when I say I've been there, and it makes you want to pull your hair out. You've amassed an impressive library of footage, b-roll clips and bumpers only to forget all of those wonderful details of each clip that you spend your hard earned time capturing. What a bummer. How are you supposed t...


Follywood - Dub Movies Android App Review
Nov 1st 2017 at 03:12am by Harold Everton

First there were Memes, then GIF clips and now there's Follywood! Follywood Dub Movies lets you take actual video and movie clips and add your own audio overdub. Imagine redoing the voices to your favorite movie scene or cartoon clip. Well, Follywood doesn't just stop there.   See Also: Live ...


Fly Single Android App Review
Jun 18th 2017 at 06:01pm by Harold Everton

Here's an idea. If you are one of those types that cannot bare the thought of enduring long flights solo, there might be an app for that. You know how it is. You board a flight and sit next to a bunch of passengers you've never met in your life! Well, it doesn't have to be that way. Fly Single can t...


SWAT Forces vs Zombies Android App Review
Feb 18th 2017 at 04:35pm by Harold Everton

Zombies strike again. If you're one of the millions who tune in every week to watch The Walking Dead, Z-Nation and iZombie, or the follow cult classics such as Night Of The Living Dead, yet another game has been released to keep your Zombie obsession in full gear. SWAT Forces vs Zombies (SFVZ) pits ...


Bat Attack Android App Review
Dec 22nd 2016 at 04:43am by Harold Everton

Thank comic books for popular culture's obsession with bats. Blind creatures, they get around using bio-sonar, are mainly nocturnal and can be found all over the globe. If you're looking for some fun with bats outside of bat-gazing and Batman reruns, Bat Attack for Android lets you whack them withou...
