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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

6 years ago
Tinfoil Android App Review
8 years ago
Distress Alarm Android App Review
10 years ago
Hurt Locker Android App Review
11 years ago
Antivirus Privacy Firewall Android App Review
11 years ago
Remo Privacy Cleaner
11 years ago
Ranger Pro Safe Browser Android App Review
13 years ago
VIRUSfighter Android App Review
11 years ago
Lookout Mobile Ad Network Detector Android App Review

Tinfoil Android App Review
Dec 20th 2018 at 01:44am by Brooklyn Midas

Full stop. One of the scariest things that can happen to your device is it getting hacked. It doesn't matter whether you're on a desktop, laptop or the latest mobile gadget. Clicking on the wrong link or attaching a compromised flash drive or SD card can turn gain access to your passwords, payment i...


Distress Alarm Android App Review
Aug 21st 2016 at 02:22am by Harold Everton

I once watched a newscast where a politician came on and said the phrase "in these uncertain times...", and I thought to myself, "when were times ever certain?" In the blink of an eye, your life can change and as always we should err on the side of caution. An app can help you do just that. Distress...


Hurt Locker Android App Review
Aug 3rd 2014 at 06:45pm by GiveMeApps

So your life is on your cell phone or device. You went out and purchased the newest supercharged device on steroids and have accumulated a plethora of contacts, taken an infinite amount of pictures and have all of your music and videos stored. There comes a time in all of our lives where for just a ...

Antivirus Privacy Firewall Android App Review
Dec 23rd 2013 at 05:58pm by GiveMeApps

Gone are the days where phones are just neutral devices in our pockets used to just make phone calls and cross off dates on simple calendar apps. With ubiquitous tasks such as banking, shopping and even watching TV taking place on our devices, you can bet that some not so nice groups and individuals...

Remo Privacy Cleaner
Sep 28th 2013 at 06:36pm by GiveMeApps

Many of us are familiar with the now necessary cleaning apps for desktop and laptop OSs which promise to clean your computer of unnecessary wasteful files and folders which have the potential to act as a bottleneck to your computer's performance. The most popular ones are available as free downloads...

Ranger Pro Safe Browser Android App Review
Apr 12th 2013 at 10:25am by GiveMeApps

Enter in the Mobile Devices. Mobile Device security has become a huge priority when dispensing units to employees at various firms and for kids through parents or educational facilities. Whichever category you fall in, you're most likely familiar with filtering software for your desktop PCs and Macs...

VIRUSfighter Android App Review
Mar 13th 2012 at 10:38pm by Brooklyn Midas

Internet surfing is a must with smart phones today. Whether you’re on the train, on the toilet or …. You are more than likely to whip out your smart phone to browse the web. Now that smart phones are basically computers, they also are vulnerable to be affected by a virus. Well spamfight...

Lookout Mobile Ad Network Detector Android App Review
Apr 10th 2013 at 12:37pm by Wayne Tempel

Are you concerned about the apps that you have on your smartphone or tablet? Well, you should be. Do you wonder what ad networks are running on your device? Why do developers use ads in their apps? I’ll put it to you simply, money.   See Also: Ranger Pro Safe Browser (Android)   ...