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GiveMeApps Reviews Android

2 years ago
OTOZEN Driving And Family Safety Android App Review
8 years ago
HotelsFX Android App Review
9 years ago
Mapping! - Ultimate GPS Logger Android App Review
12 years ago
NYC Android App Review

OTOZEN Driving And Family Safety Android App Review
Jan 26th 2023 at 08:22pm by Brooklyn Midas

The moment you first get behind the wheel in pursuit of your driver's license, most instructors will remind you how powerful the two ton machine you're operating is. Distractions, improper handling and disobeying the law through ignorance or irrespsonsibility can cause not just loss of life, but leg...


HotelsFX Android App Review
May 21st 2016 at 09:29pm by GiveMeApps

Searching for the right hotel at the right price is always somewhat of a duanting task. Whether it's for a lengthy vacation or an overnight getaway questions such as whether the place is close enough, has amenities like free Wi-Fi and continental breakfast or luxuries such as a pool and gym always c...

Mapping! - Ultimate GPS Logger Android App Review
May 28th 2015 at 01:39am by GiveMeApps

Ever want to show off all of the places you’ve been to?  How about your daily travels?  Many of us already do that with a slew of pictures and quotes on the social media site of our choice. Those constant pictures, status updates and check-ins can get pretty tiresome however. Mapping...

NYC Android App Review
Aug 31st 2012 at 05:59pm by GiveMeApps

Over the last few years, there have been a slew of New York City specific apps. Many of them primarily dealt with Bus Schedules, Restaurant Guides, Parking, Sightseeing and even finding the perfect nightclub. Now suppose you could roll all of those apps into one. Add Social Networking, Wifi Maps, Vi...