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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

9 years ago
LiveFromMe iPhone/iPad App Review
9 years ago
PepBlast Motion Pictures iPhone/iPad App Review

LiveFromMe iPhone/iPad App Review
May 17th 2015 at 02:11pm by GiveMeApps

There was a time when being on Television was a really big deal. You had to know someone in the business, have lots of connections or be in the right place at the right time. Technology has gotten to the point however where those strokes of luck are no longer necessary. With the right content, you c...

PepBlast Motion Pictures iPhone/iPad App Review
Feb 8th 2015 at 03:21pm by GiveMeApps

We live in an era where everything is personalized, and the products which exploit that fact the most seem to the best. Just take a look at Social Media. From Facebook to Instagram and Vine, everyone wants the world to see what they’re doing. What if you wanted to take that to the next level a...