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GiveMeApps Reviews

1 year ago
Free Invoice Maker App To PDF iPhone/iPad App Review
2 years ago
Star Friendly iPhone/iPad App Review
2 years ago
Speed VPN Android App Review
2 years ago
Journy Android App Review
2 years ago
Seven Year Device Support? It May Happen After This.
2 years ago
Better Cameras Coming To Samsung Budget Phone Line
2 years ago
Five Big Changes Coming To The MacBook Pro This Year
2 years ago
M1X Mac Mini Coming. Macbook Pro Prices Will Skyrocket

Free Invoice Maker App To PDF iPhone/iPad App Review
Jul 11th 2022 at 03:38pm by Queens King

If you were to think of one thing which clients fear the most in a business transaction, you might say the bill! This all depends. If you are eager to finisih a project and know your hire is worth every penny, you might be excited to pay! If you are the one providing the service, of course you look ...


Star Friendly iPhone/iPad App Review
May 3rd 2022 at 01:03am by Brooklyn Midas

Okay, okay, you're reading this and wondering "why". Why another dating app? There are so many on the market and the area is well saturated. Well, when this is the case, it requires from nifty out of the box thinking to revamp or improve the overall experience of the venerable dating app. Star Frien...


Speed VPN Android App Review
Mar 9th 2022 at 06:00am by Brooklyn Midas

With all that is going on in the world today, especially at the current moment, you may have reason to extra cautiouos about your online presence, your internet security or have the need to view web pages that are inaccessible in your area. If we look back a decade, proxies were the go-to sites for ...


Journy Android App Review
Mar 3rd 2022 at 01:44am by Brooklyn Midas

Organization and self-discipline are a few of the many components individuals and organizations have to master in order to meet their objectives, but why do so many suffer with it? With the plethora of organizers, planners and schedule based computer, web and smartphone apps available, companies and...


Seven Year Device Support? It May Happen After This.
Sep 6th 2021 at 05:52pm by Queens King

That is if you live in the European Union. If Germany and the European commission get their way, if you owned something such as say a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (2016), you'd be guaranteed repairability until 2023. Those who need their old devices pried from their cold fingers will t...

Better Cameras Coming To Samsung Budget Phone Line
Sep 4th 2021 at 12:01pm by Harold Everton

Remember the A-Team? No, not the series, but the often mocked stepchild-line of phones and tablets from Samsung. There is nothing wrong with their A-line of phones, but they often don't get the same amount of attention as their revered and cutting edge S-line. What this means is that with the A-line...

Five Big Changes Coming To The MacBook Pro This Year
Sep 1st 2021 at 06:47pm by Harold Everton

In just a few short weeks, some of Apple's most long awaited products are about to finally reach the market. This includes the newest iPhones and MacBook Pros. If you're like many MacBook Pro fans, you may have waited patiently for years for Apple to "get their things together" with the MacBook line...

M1X Mac Mini Coming. Macbook Pro Prices Will Skyrocket
Aug 28th 2021 at 03:40pm by Harold Everton

We've been waiting for them forever (and I mean forever), but it appears that the chips are finally starting to stack up. According to Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman in his "Power On" newsletter, "a high end M1X Mac Mini is expected" in the "next several months". He further went on to say that, "the...