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GiveMeApps Reviews iOS

8 years ago
Spiking Verified Social Trading iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Greyscale iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
KleverNote iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Abby In The Sky iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
Teething Chart iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
My Babys Teeth iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
InnerGroup iPhone/iPad App Review
8 years ago
FaceDial for FaceTime (Update) iPhone/iPad App Review

Spiking Verified Social Trading iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 8th 2017 at 10:44pm by GiveMeApps

For novices, the stock market can often feel like foreign territory. The terminology, methodology and suspense can make just about anyone feel overwhelmed. In an era where investors can make trades from the seat of a commuter train, any app which can help users, be they amateurs or seasoned professi...


Greyscale iPhone/iPad App Review
Jan 8th 2017 at 10:39pm by GiveMeApps

The first time I ever came across filters (the digital kind) was on Photoshop CS2. If you are familiar with that iteration of the program, then you know how long ago that was. In any case, these were simple monochromatic filter at best. Certain looks could be achieved by adjusting the parameters in ...


KleverNote iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 13th 2016 at 11:35pm by Harold Everton

Mobile productivity apps have to some degree always been accused of lagging behind their desktop counterparts and for good reason - the amount of processing power on mobile devices is still south of desktop and laptop territory. With that power gap narrowing and the number of devices being used cont...


Abby In The Sky iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 6th 2016 at 08:35pm by GiveMeApps

Who doesn't like a little bit of nostalgia? If you're privy to the bleeps and blips of early video games, grainy graphics and simple gameplay, then Abby In The Sky might be up your alley.   See Also: Run Away Kid (Android)   In this 8 bit bonanza, you have to steer good ol' Abby to saf...


Teething Chart iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 1st 2016 at 11:04pm by GiveMeApps

Remember the tooth fairy? If you're a parent and have a child age 6-12, you might be in the habit of leaving quarters underneath their pillow. in addition to cute pictures, adorable lisps and diaries highlighting every milestone, there is a new app which can help you trace each step of the journey w...


My Babys Teeth iPhone/iPad App Review
Dec 1st 2016 at 10:24pm by GiveMeApps

For many parents, when a baby is going through teething, it is either a smooth ride or a rough road. Some babies deal with irritability gum swelling, sleeping problems and even refusing food. While you can do little to prevent these problems, you can at least be one step ahead. My Babys Teeth, an ap...


InnerGroup iPhone/iPad App Review
Oct 12th 2016 at 01:35pm by Harold Everton

One nasty habit tech users need to break is quickly signing up to social media sites without reading their terms of use agreement. Seriously, with all of the scandals that have popped up over the last couple of weeks with the current election cycle, it goes to show that when you think no one is watc...


FaceDial for FaceTime (Update) iPhone/iPad App Review
Sep 10th 2016 at 11:37pm by Harold Everton

If you are an Apple fanatic and FaceTme is your de facto method of commnunication whether it be on your Macbook, iPhone or iAnything, and you're looking for an even easier way to organize your contacts and use the application, then you may want to take a look at FaceDial.   See Also: Spa...
